Wednesday 8 July 2015

Notes about my Namarië Valarin translation

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Additional meanings:

šebeth - wind (air)
aþar - year (festival)
rušur - to kindle, to set on fire (fire)
delgûmâ - hide, covering (roof)
phelûn - land, home (dwelling)

Invented words: (Underlined and bold words are coined by myself)

Aya - Exclaimation. From Quenya "ai!"
ullubân - Pour, fall (leaves). From Valarin "ul(l)u", water
ši - In, into. From Black Speech "ishi", in
- No, not
lûnun - To count, amount
lûnun-al - countable
šarak - Wing
šarak-um - wings
wiyôz - Tree
win-um-ôz-al - trees-like
ullu-3ân - To flow. From Valarin "ul(l)u", water
ullu-3âš - flowed
kîna - Sweet
ôllonâz - Drink. Based on Valarin "ul(l)u", water
mirubhôzê3ôllonâz - mead drink. From Valarin "mirubhôzê", possibly mead (This website suggested that it was perhaps the beginning of a longer word, so this is my reconstruction)
ronokôz - Chamber, room. From Lower Black Speech "ronk", chamber
ronokumôz - rooms
ronâk - deep. From Lower Black Speech "ronk", chamber
Barâdâz - Varda, lofty, high, east (from the sun being "lifted" from the earth). From Quenya "Varda"
barâdal - lofty, high. From Quenya "Varda"
Barâdal - East, eastern. From Quenya "Varda"
baradâš - raised
utô - Beyond
Ezedâz - Rest, West. From Quenya "Estë" (from the sun "resting" into the earth as it sets west)
phela - Under, below. From Valarin "phelun", dwelling
axâzâz -  Hall
axâz-um-âz - halls
nûši - Where. "Nû" is invented. "Ši" is from Black Speech "ishi", in
azôz - Star (See "gil")
az-um-ôz - stars
gunûn-ân - Tremble
wâyôz - Song. From Quenya "Vairë" (in one way songs are carefully "woven" by writers into existence)
(u)mî - Her, she
akesa - Voice
manal - Holy. From Valarin "Mânawenûz", blessed one/one closest in accord with Eru
a3a - And. From Black Speech "agh"
Mâx-êz-imi - Queen. "Mâx" is from Valarin "Mâchanumâz", authorities. "Imi" is related to invented "mî", she
mâx-êz-imi-yal - of a queen, like a queen. "Mâx" is from Valarin "Mâchanumâz", authorities. "Imi" is related to invented "mî", she
nû3âz - Who
mir-ân - Fill. From Valarin "mirubhôzê"
paxîz - Cup
âzi - Me, I (feminine)
âzi-at - for me. "At" is from Black Speech "-at", to a purpose
Rušur-êz - Kindler. From Valarin "rušur", "uruš", fire
Gil - Star. From Quenya "Ilmarë"
Gil-um-âz - stars
thar - From
aþe - Hand
aþe-3um - hands
bânoyôz - Cloud
bâno-yum-ôz - clouds
ulan-um-ûkûz - All paths. "Ulan" is from Valarin "ul(l)u", water. "Ûkûz" is from Black Speech "-uk", all
duš-delgûm-âš - Hidden, lost. "Duš" is from Valarin "dušamanûðân", marred. "Delgûm" is from Valarin "delgûmâ", unknown meaning
gêrun - Mist
phelân-aišu - Lies, lurks. "Phelân" is from Valarin "Aþâraphelûn", appointed dwelling
yu - On
šoyaš-um - Waves. From Valarin "Ošošai", spuming, Ossë
to-yaran - Between us (us-between)
doše - Mist
akhi - Jewel
akhiyum - jewels
Têros - Pass, passage (as in mountains)
(a)mâz - Light. From Quenya "Ilmarë"
Têros-amâz-iyôz - Calacirya, the Pass of Light (Pass-light-of)
âxalli-yal - For ever
hay, hayâz - People. From Black Speech "hai" (as in "Uruk-hai"), folk
Balâz - Vala. From Sindarin "Balrog", Mighty demon; Quenya "Vala", Mighty, power; Primitive Elvish "Mbelek-óre", mighty rising
Bala3umâz - Valar
Phelûn-Bala3umâz - Valinor (Land-Valar)
Uti-gimab - Farewell (Good-find) - "Uti" is invented. "Gimab(ân)" is from Black Speech "gimb-". find
Maška - Perhaps
 - You
wî-dai - even you (You-even)
 - It


- -um - -ness, -like. From Black Speech "-um", -ness (as in "burz-um", dark-ness)
-âz - (nominative)
-ân - (present tense verb) From Valarin "dušamanûðân", marred
-um (together with a word, before -z endings) - (plural)
-al - (adjective) From Valarin "amanaišal", unmarred
-ûðân - (past tense verb) From Valarin "dušamanûðân", marred
-at - to, for. From Black Speech "-at" (as in "durbatulûk"), to (a purpose)
-êz - one who does something. From Valarin "Arômêz", Oromë; "A3ûlêz", Aulë
-iyôz - of (something or someone)
-(i)mi - (feminine)
-(n)i (when used after a pronoun) - (feminine)
-en - again
-(a)yâ - shall
-ai - (present continuous) From Valarin "Ošošai", Ossë

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