Saturday 11 July 2015

Notes about my Ring Verse Valarin translation

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Words I made up are underlined and bold.

Mitu - Three
Golodor-al - Of an Elf, Noldo. From Quenya "Noldor" (alternate Kuweden is from Quenya "Quendë", Elf)
phela - under. From Valarin "Aþâraphelûn", appointed dwelling
Axazid - Seven. From Adûnaic "hazid, hazad", seven
Axazad-al - Of a Dwarf, Khazâd. From Khuzdul "Khazâd", Dwarf
âxaz-um-âz - Hall-s
raxôn-al - Of stone
Eno - Nine
Adâni-yum-at - For Men. "Adâni" is from Quenya "Atani" and Sindarin "Edain"
turb-ûðân - Fated, doomed
gârâd-ân-at - To die
šâ - One. From Black Speech "ash", one
Pûruz-al - Dark. From Black Speech "burz", dark
Mâxanâz-at Pûruz-al - for the Dark Lord. "Mâxanâz" is Valarin for "Authority"; and "Pûruz" is from Black Speech "burz", dark
ši - in, into. From Black Speech "ishi", in or into
Pûruz-Phelûn-ši - in the Dark Land (in the land of Mordor). "Pûruz" is from Black Speech "burz", dark. "Phelûn" is from Valarin "Aþâraphelûn", appointed dwelling". "Ši" is from Black Speech "ishi", in or into
nû-ši - Where
Âbaþar-um-âz - Shadows. From Vanyarin Quenya "Avaþar", possibly shadows (as it had no Elvish translation, it might be a Valarin loanword)
phelûn-ân - To lie, to dwell, to lurk. "Phelûnân" is from Valarin "Aþâraphelûn", appointed dwelling
ûlûkûz - Them all. From Black Speech "ulûk", them all
ulûz - them. From Black Speech "ul", them
mâxan-ân - To rule. From Valarin "mâxan", authority or authoritative decision
mâxan-ân-at-ûlûkûz - to rule them all (rule-to-them all)
gimab-ân - To find. From Black Speech "gimb-", find (as in "gimbatul")
gimab-ân-ulûz - to find them
aþarâk-ân - To bring. From Black Speech "thrak-", bring (as in "thrakatulûk")
aþarâk-ân-at-ûlûkûz - to bring them all (bring-to-them all)
a3a - And. From Black Speech "agh", and
pûruzum - darkness. From Black Speech "burzum", darkness
girimaph-ân - To bind. From Black Speech "krimp-", bind (as in "krimpatul")
girimaph-ân-ulûz. to bind them


-um (before a -z ending) - (plural)
-at - to (a purpose), for. From Black Speech "-at" (as in "durbatulûk"), to (a purpose)
-al - (adjective) From Valarin "amanaišal", unmarred
-ûðân - (past tense) From Valarin "dušamanûðân", marred
-ân - (present tense) From Valarin "dušamanûðân", marred
-um - "-ness". From Black Speech "-um", -ness

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