Saturday 16 May 2015

Neo-Valarin prefixes and suffixes, with others

(long vowel) -z - nominative e.g. A3ûlêz "crafter", *A3ûlân "to craft"
-unum-(suffix) - plural e.g. Ayanûz "Ainu", Ayan-um-ûz "Ainur"; Mâxanâz "Authority", Mâxan-um-âz "Authorities"

*-ân - present tense e.g. Akaš-ân "He [Eru Ilúvatar] says"
*-ûðân - past perfect tense ("has/had been X-ed") e.g. Dušaman-ûðân "marred, has been marred"
*-ai - present continuous tense ("-ing") e.g. Ošoš-ai "spuming, foaming"
*-aiš - simple past tense ("X was/used to be Y") e.g. Aman-aiš-al "unmarred, [that] used to be unmarred"

*-al - adjective e.g. Amanaiš-al "[it was] unmarred" *Aman-ân-al "[is] unmarred"

Assuming that Black Speech is actually a corrupted form of Valarin ("nazg/ring from anaškad, ghâsh/fire from igas/heat") with some other words thrown in, here are some words that are being reconstructed on that basis:

-ishi (in) - *-ši (in, into) | burzum-ishi (in the darkness) - *pûruz-umâz-ši (into the dark-ness)
-at- (to, for) - *-at- (to, for (this)) | krimp-at-ul (to bind them) - *girimaphân-at-ulûz (to bind them)

-ul (them) - *-ulûz (them, they) | gimb-at-ul (to find them) - *gimabân-at-ulûz (to find them)
-ûk (all) - *-ûkûz (all) | thrak-at-ul-ûk (to bring them all) - *aþarâkân-at-ul-ûkûz (to bring them all)
-ulûk (them all) - *ul-ûkûz (them all, all of them)

-um (ness) - *-umâz (-ness/-hood)
agh (and) - *a3a (and) | agh burz-um-ishi (and in the dark-ness) - *a3a pûruz-umâz-ši (and into the dark-ness)

Assuming that this Orcish variant of Black Speech is still Black Speech, we could attempt to reconstruct some more words for Valarin:

"Uglúk u bagronk sha pushdug Saruman-glob. Búb-hosh. skai!" (translation used from this section)

u (to) - *ut (to) | Uglúk u bagronk (Uglúk to the torture-chamber) - *Ugulûkûz ut baga-ronokôz (Uglúk [shall be sent] to the torture-room)
sha (with) - *šâ (with) | sha pushdug Saruman-glob (with stinking Saruman-fool) - *šâ gilobôz bušudugal Sarumanâz (with [the] stinking fool [of] Saruman/Curunir)

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