Wednesday 13 May 2015

Reconstructed Valarin Names

We already have the original Valarin names for only four of the Valar: A3ûlêz, Arômêz, Mânawenûz, Tulukha(š)tâz, and Ul(l)ubôz. With some aspects of Tolkien's other languages, such as Khuzdul and Black Speech (itself partly based on corrupted Valarin), being reconstructed by people like David Salo, why not attampt to reconstruct the Valarin names of the other Valar as well?

Noldorin Quenya - Neo-Valarin (and meaning) - sources in Primitive Quendi

Varda - Barâdâz (raised, she-who-raises) - Barád/Baraþ (sublime, lofty)
Yavanna - Aya-banâz (fruit-giver) - Yab-an(t)a (fruit-giver)
Mandos - Mâna-dostôz (blessed keeper) - Man-dostŏ (custody-castle)
ámo - Nâmâz (judge) - Nam (judge, ordainer)
Nienna - Niyennâz (mourner) - Nei (tear)

Lórien - Lôriyenêz (dream-lander) - Lor (slumber, dream)
Irmo - 
Irimôz (desirer) - Írë-mo (desirer)  -  (the Primitive Quendi terms for this are lost, so Quenya terms from are used instead)
Estë - Ezedêz (rester) - Ezde (rest)
Vairë - Wiyarêz (weaver) - Wir/Wey, Weiré (Weaver, Weave)Vána - Wânâz (beautiful) - Wána (beauty) - (no Primitive Quendi term available)
Nessa - Neššai (vigourous) - Nessa (young) - (no Primitive Quendi term available)

Melkor - Belekôrôz (mighty-rising) - (M)Bel(ec) + órë (large, mighty + rising)

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