Monday 1 June 2015

Which horse are you?

1. Horse (Equus ferus caballus) Native to Eurasia, the planet Earth.

Normally, you would rather not fight, but leave for your precious life. While you may seem boring, "unintelligent", and ordinary, you nonetheless prefer survival over anything else. Nonetheless you take risks when they are necessary for a better future, while you are also content with your present age.

2. Houyhnhnm (Equus ferus houyhnhnmensis) Native to Houyhnhnm Land, an island south of Australia (Nuyts Land is at the southern coast) and west of Tasmania, the planet Earth.

(Image from Wikipedia)

Reason, reason, reason over the pleasures of all this world! You are very focused more on anything to do with science and high culture for the improvement of those around you -- however, sometimes you strive to improve them inconsiderately at their expense, as you get too caught up in your own goals. While you are doing well in keeping your emotions in check to prevent them from interrupting you, be careful not to over-work -- even a Houyhnhnm might, and can, go insane from boredom!

3. Equestrian pony (Mannulus equestrianensis) Native to Equestria, the planet Equestria.

Emotion is king or queen in your life, and creativity your viceroy. You tend to be very moody and excitable, and you prefer to play around right now over a lifetime of boring drudgery. Sometimes, an idea would randomly spark into existence deep within your mind, providing something interesting for you and those whom you know. Perhaps a random brainstorm could help you when you have nothing to do, or when you are cornered.

4. Diomedian horse (Equus ferus caballus thracianensis) Native to Thrace (modern Bulgaria), the planet Earth.

(Image from Wikipedia)
You are ruthless, unforgiving, and furious. You would rather that people fear you, and to accept that you are always that angry. You might also have a penchant for destruction, as everyone else is either your victim, your servant, or your competition to destroy. Why not use your inner fire to smash through your obstacles, instead of risking yourself into serious trouble?

5. Unicorn (Equus monoceros) Native to Eastern Europe and India, the planet Earth.

(Image from Wikipedia)
Just as the horned horse goes toward virgin women, so are you bound to your own desires, even if they may be worthless for in the long run. Get out of your world of a shell, and you can at least see and witness more lovely things than what your own wants can give you alone.

6. Pegasus (Pegasus pegasus) Native to Greece, the planet Earth.

(Image from Wikipedia)
You could have used your abilities to fulfill your own ends, but you would rather use them wisely, either for the greater good, or for the task at hand (or hoof). People look up to you as an inspiration, a gifted trove of talents shining among the crowd -- still, be careful not to fall to the temptation of lifting yourself too high up, that your enemies will strike you down!

7. Ponyta (Pokemonus ponyta) Native to western Kanto, central Hoenn, Knot Island of the Sevii Islands, central Sinnoh, and northeastern Almia; Pokemon world.

(Original image from

You are very energetic and feisty, daring for a challenge or two. However, you might also seem foolhardy and brutish, simply charging and bashing your way against your problems rather than solving them carefully. Just think twice about your next move, and patiently for a more correct solution to your situation, will you?

8. Hippocampus (Hippocampus hippocampus) Native to the eastern Mediterranean, near Greece, and the central Atlantic Ocean; the planet Earth.

(Image from Wikipedia)
Just as the sky and sea become your limits, you might had some pressing disadvantage in your life. Yet you still try your best to overcome it, so that you can finish what is necessary, regardless of its power. Three cheers for you!

9. Kelpie (Kelpines kelpines) Native to Scotland, the planet Earth.

(Image from Kelpie Physiology, Superpower Wiki. Picture by porcelianDoll, DeviantArt.)
You are surely one nasty trickster, fooling others and causing them to land into trouble, all for laughs and all. Why not do something more useful to make your life more worthwhile? Surely life is too short for fun and games, for your treatment of others as your "tools" for mischief will one day bring you to ruin.

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