Wednesday 27 March 2019

Tai-He-Song lyrics

Music: E flat minor


鳳昭祥 (feng zhao xiang)
日月光 (ri yue guang)
四海升 (si hai sheng)
開域疆 (kai yu jiang)

仁智信 (ren zhi xin)
禮義忠 (li yi zhong)
敦厚德 (dun hou de)
列聖王 (lie sheng wang)

承天道兮 (cheng tian dao xi)
壽永昌 (shou yong chang)
昊天成命 (hao tian cheng ming)
化萬邦 (hua wan bang)


The phoenix shines with auspiciousness,
With the light of the sun and moon,
The four seas rise,
And the borders swell.

Benevolence, wisdom, and faith,
Proper rites, righteousness, and loyalty,
Honesty, generosity, and virtue,
Are the path of the sacred king.

Uphold the way of heaven!
Then you shall prosper and live long.
That is the command of the vast sky,
Towards all nations.

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