Wednesday 13 April 2022


РОИССЯ ВПЕРДЕ (Roissja vperde) is a Russian-language meme mocking ultranationalism, poverty, corruption, and autocracy in modern Russia during the adminstation of Putin.

In proper Russian pronunciation, this hilarious slogan should be: "Rah-EE-syah f-peer-DYEH".

It is derived from the words "роиться" (roit'sja, to swarm) and "в пердеть" (v pirdjet', to fart), playing around with the nationalistic slogan "Россия, вперёд" (Rossija, vpirjod, "Russia, go forward!"): "роиться в пердеть!" ("swarming into an ass!")

In English, Роисся вперде! can be translated as "Russia is ruined", "Russia is going down the drain", or "Russia is going to hell".

This meme comes from a picture of a wrongly-printed belt buckle in 2008.

The belt buckle that started it all

Two (in)famous instances that brought the meme into the spotlight are:

A satirical novel by the Russian author Oleg Kashin, known in English as "Fardwor, Russia!" (Forward Russia).

"Russia is ruined!: a fantastic novel", by Oleg Kashin.

The second is from this cheeky reference by the Russian video game "Metro: Last Light", in the level called "Nightfall". It can be seen at an abandoned shopping mall.

Now the subject of two sad articles accusing criticism against Putin's reign as an attack on Russians in general.

Alternate ways to write this stupid and funny phrase are:

  • Впердё, Роисся
  • Раися, вперде
  • Роисся, впердё
  • Роісся впердѣ! (from the archaic forms Россія and пердѣть, possible reconstruction)
  • РоиZZя вперде (2022, mocking the Z meme used by anti-Ukrainians and warmongers)
Gallery of fail:

Altogether now, say it:

"Роисся, вперде!!!"

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