Wednesday 13 April 2022


РОИССЯ ВПЕРДЕ (Roissja vperde) is a Russian-language meme mocking ultranationalism, poverty, corruption, and autocracy in modern Russia during the adminstation of Putin.

In proper Russian pronunciation, this hilarious slogan should be: "Rah-EE-syah f-peer-DYEH".

It is derived from the words "роиться" (roit'sja, to swarm) and "в пердеть" (v pirdjet', to fart), playing around with the nationalistic slogan "Россия, вперёд" (Rossija, vpirjod, "Russia, go forward!"): "роиться в пердеть!" ("swarming into an ass!")

In English, Роисся вперде! can be translated as "Russia is ruined", "Russia is going down the drain", or "Russia is going to hell".

This meme comes from a picture of a wrongly-printed belt buckle in 2008.

The belt buckle that started it all

Tuesday 12 April 2022

Malay terms for Ramadan / Kata Bahasa Melayu, untuk bulan suci Ramadan

Malaysia is a Muslim country, where the official religion widely practiced by most of its people is Sunni Islam. One of the key principles of the Islamic faith is to observe the month of Ramadan, when believers must not eat from sunrise to sunset to focus on God.

So here are some words to help you understand how Ramadan works in Malaysia.

Malaysia adalah sebuah negara Islam, di mana agama rasmi yang dianuti secara meluas oleh kebanyakan rakyatnya ialah Islam Sunni. Salah satu prinsip utama akidah Islam adalah untuk merayakan bulan Ramadan, apabila orang beriman tidak boleh makan dari matahari terbit hingga terbenam untuk fokus kepada Tuhan.

Jadi berikut adalah beberapa perkataan untuk membantu anda memahami bagaimana Ramadan berfungsi di Malaysia.

Friday 8 April 2022

Satirical names of countries

Some countries' peoples make up names to mock their own countries:

Murrica - mocking southerners' speech, associated with backwardsness. Murrica mocks the excessive nationalism, gun violence, corruption, and racism found in the United States.

Straya - mocking social ills

РОИССЯ (Roissja)

РОИССЯ ВПЕРДЕ (Roissja Vperde: either "Russia, [go] forward" or "swarming into farting/an arse") - mocking excessive nationalism and poor social conditions in Russia.

Considered very offensive to Russian nationalists, who accuse people who use the term of racism against ethnic Russians.

Горжусь Россией (Gorzhusj Rossjei: "I am proud of Russia!") - same as above, but focused on nationalism.

Malaysia Boleh ("Malaysia can do it!") - mocking our country's "capability" to suffer high amounts of corruption and constantly fail.

Bolehland ("the land that can [fail]") - ditto.

天朝 (tian chao, "heavenly dynasty") - formerly a name to honour China's gods and deified emperors, now modern-day bloggers use the term to mock corruption in the Mainland Chinese government.

種花家 (Zhong Hua Jia; "planting flowers' family", a pun on 中華, Zhonghua, "the middle civilisation")

กะลาแลนด์ (ka-laa laen, "coconut-minded land") - mocking Thailand's backwards attitude
ตอแหลแลนด์ (taw-hlae laen, "land of hypocrites")
ไทย (thai, "Thai") - only in Thailand, poor-quality.