Thursday 10 December 2020

Languages that only have R

 This is a list of languages in the world that only use "r" instead of "l":


  • Japanese
  • Ryukyuan
  • Ainu
  • Maori
  • Cook Islands Maori
  • Moriori
  • Tahitian
  • Marquesan
  • Mangarevan
  • Austral
  • Rapa Oparo
  • Tuamotuan
  • Rapanui
  • Rakahanga-Manihiki
  • Mangarongaro/Penrhyn
  • Futuna-Aniwa
Southern Bantu
  • Shona
  • Tswana
  • Venda
Southwest Bantu
  • Herero
Northeast Bantu
  • Kiga
  • Kikuyu
  • Kinyarwanda
  • Rundi
  • Old Persian
  • Tiriyo
  • Akurio
  • Wayana
  • Mawayana
  • Northern Embera
Central Algonquian
  • Atikamekw
Eastern Algonquian
  • Powhatan
  • Quiripi
  • Arikara
  • Pawnee
  • Cayuga
  • Nottoway
  • Southern Paiute

Names of minor Tomb King characters (Total War Warhammer II)

 Names of minor Tomb King characters

High Kings:

You receive these kings if you research them.

  • Wakhaf (First Dynasty)
  • Rakhash (Second Dynasty)
    • Public order: +1 (all provinces)
    • Character's aura leadership effect: +5
    • Leadership aura size: +20%
    • Ward save: +5%
    • Tax rate: +5% (factionwide)
  • Thutep (Third Dynasty)
    • Armor: +5 for Khemrian Warsphinx and Necrosphinx units (Lord's army)
    • +1 capacity for Khemrian Warsphinx
    • Construction time: -35% for all buildings (local province)
    • Armor: +10
    • Additional trade resources produced: +10% (factionwide)
  • Lahmizzash (Fourth Dynasty)
  • Setep (Fifth Dynasty)
  • Alkhazzar II (Sixth Dynasty)


  • Hakoros
  • Rak
  • Yanhakhat
  • Rawer
  • Arandes
  • Djokht
  • Araru
  • Sahut
  • Lahmizzash
  • Setep
  • Djonza
  • Hatmas
  • Pashedu
  • Menkare
  • Andames
  • Petuhyt
  • Thutmocris
  • Aphoh
  • Ratikh
  • Simudes
  • Nebermakhet
  • Khura
  • Neferkare
  • Asharqa
  • Sekhereh
  • Kagetef
  • Hakos
  • Senutamen
  • Rahobi
  • Sachom
  • Sekhtasfih
  • Oyas
  • Pashedu
  • Inenza
  • Rahotep
  • Djedeskhet
  • Menkaus
  • Baufra
  • Khedeskaf
  • Sephkoh
  • Anlashen
  • Intes
  • Kharus
  • Djehuty
  • Foctem
  • Sensenna
  • Prehotaten
  • Addaya
  • Ramekht
  • Eyoshers
  • Isfoph
  • Berekht
  • Ahmose
  • Lysimachus
  • Ptolethor
  • Omhaf
  • Thutmocris
  • Senusret
  • Djenna
  • Petuhyt
  • Emkhatam
  • Hatip
  • Inathor
  • Agatep
  • Sensenna
Tomb Princes:
  • Intenebu
  • Intes
  • Nekhaf
  • Nemtoph
  • Omhaf
  • Senufret
  • Djonza
  • Sekhtasfih
  • Hakor
  • Salekh
  • Sephkoh
  • Nebemakhet
  • Nebuset
  • Khabash
  • Aphoh
  • Khura
  • Djedeskhet
  • Nebemakhet
  • Ramerenef
  • Prehoaten

  • Intenebu
  • Ibiamose
  • Hatmas
  • Rahoshen
  • Neferkare
  • Berekht
  • Eyoshers
Liche Priests:
  • Khadesh
  • Senufret
  • Oyas
  • Intes
  • Hatmas
  • Intef
  • Hatip
  • Sehekhet
  • Pashedu
  • Khura
  • Hatmas
  • Rahobi
  • Senufret
  • Ibiamose
  • Prehoaten
  • Sahut
  • Ptolethor
  • Nectanebo
  • Berekht
  • Menkaus
  • Ramerenef
  • Djonza
  • Fehom
  • Neferkare
  • Yanhanza
  • Arandes
  • Khat
  • Yanhakhat
  • Arandes
  • Thutmocris
  • Psamtik
  • Meshep
  • Gracef Caolshen

Friday 27 November 2020

Settra quotes and dialogue


  • Settra the Imperishable.
  • I am undefeatable.
  • King of Khemri.
  • Bring me the bones!
  • I control the sands.
  • King of Kings!
  • Great King!
  • Settra rules!
  • Mightiest of Kings!
  • Bow to me!
  • All is sand.
  • Nehekhara is mine!
  • Undead king!
  • Bow before your king!
  • Imperishable.
  • I rule everything.
  • Bring my chariot!
  • Animals!
  • This is well.

Campaign Selection

  • Settra the Imperishable.
  • Defeat is impossible.
  • I rule everything.
  • King of Kings.
  • Serve.
  • Greatest.
  • Settra does not serve.
  • Eternal king.
  • Fragile.
  • Slaves.
  • Do not disturb!
  • Who dares?
  • Mighty am I.
  • Nehekhara wakes.
  • Nehekhara's first.
  • You will bow, or perish.
  • My city.
  • Loyal, as all should be.
  • He is able.
  • I care not.
  • This one, will have to do.
  • He means nothing.
  • A good servant.
  • He will serve.
  • The Liche Priests have me wary.
  • He does not impress me.
  • Served me in life, now death.
  • Settra is dessicated.
  • What of the heat?
  • Parched, desert heat.
  • Is it hot?
  • Only slaves worry about the heat.
  • Green is death.
  • This oasis is vile.
  • This will be desert soon.
  • What can trees offer Settra?
  • The forest holds more interest for Settra.
  • The poison sea.
  • Settra rules land and sea.
  • Horrid salt water!
  • I care not for sea.
  • Unleash the death fleets.
  • Not as tall as my pyramid.
  • Sand and stone.
  • Stone for my pyramid.
  • The mountains bow to Settra.
  • This stone makes good statuary.
  • The frozen lands ... all mine.
  • Snow is irrelevant.
  • Is it cold?
  • Cold as my heart.
  • Settra hates snowflakes!
  • Why would I care if it's cold.
  • Settra is bored of snow.
  • What is snow?
  • Snow day!
  • The climate is irrelevant.

Campaign Movement

  • Settra surfs.
  • All is mine.
  • Bow! Your king may touch!
  • Agreed.
  • All is mine.
  • Make way for Settra!
  • Do not stop!
  • Prepare to march.
  • We rest.
  • Stand sentinel.
  • Voyage!
  • Surfs!
  • Disembark.
  • Settra arrives.

Campaign Attack

  • Slaves for Settra!
  • For Nehekhara!
  • They shall perish!
  • Wipe them out!
  • My wrath!
  • Glory for Khemri!
  • Perish!
  • Attack!
  • Destroy them!
  • Settra comes!
  • Wipe them out!
  • Settra rules!
  • Entomb them!
  • Entomb them all!
  • King of battle!
  • Settra hates!
  • Settra has no use for living slaves!
  • We withdraw!
  • Return to Khemri!
  • Defeat is impossible.
  • Settra is close.


  • Yes!
  • My way!
  • Settra agrees!
  • Forward!
  • As it should.
  • Legions, forward!
  • We march.
  • Very well.

Attack Move

  • Strike!
  • Do as I say!
  • Yes!
  • Kill!
  • Good!
  • Bow to me!
  • My orders!
  • My orders enacted!
  • Curse them.
  • Obey me!
  • Animals!
  • Attack the living!
  • Break them!
  • Ptra decrees!
  • Settra destroys.

Post-battle options

  • Greatest of Kings! Victory!
  • Settra is victorious!
  • There was never any doubt.
  • I do not lose.
  • Settra always wins!
  • Settra is merciful.
  • Sacrifice them!
  • Entomb them all!
  • Execute them!
  • Punish them!
  • This is Settra's.
  • It is mine now.
  • Sack it for Settra.
  • Bow before your king and master.
  • Nehekhara is mine!
  • Even the gods bow to me.
  • At last, more power.
  • Nehekhara expands.


  • Even Ptra gave me his sword. What will you offer, thrall?
  • Do not invoke the gods before Settra - they bow to me!
  • Keep your head bowed - do not look upon my bandaged majesty!
  • Take in my majesty and quail, creature. Settra speaks.
  • What tribute do you offer the Great King of Nehekhara? (positive)
  • Kneel before Settra. Only then may you petition me. (positive)
  • You have the attention of the Imperishable, do not squander it.
  • What I have to say is of utmost importance, you would be wise to heed my every word.
  • You invite the ire of the Great King - unwise and fatal for you. (negative)
  • Your petition has reached the Great King and is found wanting... (negative)
  • You speak with Settra, King of Kings, know that you are not worthy. (positive, Tomb Kings)
  • Perhaps an alliance? Although you WILL address me as sire. (positive, Tomb Kings)
  • Think your arrogance will match mine, Elf? Ha! I am Settra! (positive, High Elves)
  • You will bow before me, Elf! I am your better! I am king! (positive, High Elves)
  • Approach, Druchii, yes, but I know your Elathrin name -- Settra knows all! (positive, Dark Elves)
  • Impress me with your cruelty, Dark Elf. I dare you. (positive, Dark Elves)
  • Your magic is why I have this unpalatable form, do not anger me further! (negative, Dark Elves)
  • Your petty tortures are nothing to my whims, Dark Elf. Do not test Settra! (negative, Dark Elves)
  • What brings you from your moist jungle to these dry sands? (positive, Lizardmen)
  • Must I deal with this creature? Where is your handler? (positive, Lizardmen)
  • What does it say? Order it to speak in our royal language! (negative, Lizardmen)
  • I see no "wise" ancient here. Just a feeble reptile, that dares address mighty Settra! (negative, Lizardmen)
  • You race may have created this world, but *I* rule it! (negative, Lizardmen)
  • I have no time for primitive creatures. It is easier to just annihilate them. (negative, Lizardmen)
  • Skaven. I have use for vermin, you may deign to be at my majesty. (positive, Skaven)
  • There is no place for vermin in my kingdoms. (negative, Skaven)
  • My will. (positive response)
  • Yes. (positive response)
  • Very well! (positive response)
  • I am done! (negative response)
  • No! Never! (negative response)
  • No! (negative response)
  • Never. (negative response)
  • Fool! (negative response)
  • I am done! (negative response)
  • You are as implacable as the desert sun, I accept your offer. (positive, unvoiced)
  • Your offer was courteous and well-made. I accept. (positive, unvoiced)
  • Wisdom is found beyond the boundaries of Nehekhara - this is most pleasing. (positive, unvoiced)
  • This offer is acceptable, Lizardmen. (positive, Lizardmen, unvoiced)
  • The many wonders of Nehekhara are a sight to behold. Today, though, I offer you this gift. (positive, unvoiced, demand pay)
  • All the proper rites have been observed, but I cannot accept your offer. (negative, unvoiced)
  • Master-diplomat though you are, Elf, I cannot agree to those terms (negative, High Elves, unvoiced)
  • Devotion to one's gods is an admirable trait, but it does not compel me to accept this offer. (negative, unvoiced, demand pay)

Friday 18 September 2020

Wulfrik quotes and dialogue

Campaign selection

  • My challenge? Undeniable.
  • Wulfrik the Wanderer.
  • Undefeated!
  • The correct path.
  • On the move!
  • To the four corners!
  • Where's my next (move)?
  • Seafang's ready!
  • A challenge?!
  • Champions fall!
  • Yes?
  • I'm listening.
  • Fear me!
  • Let's fight.
  • Beset.
  • No escape.
  • World-Walker.
  • Kill.
  • I. Am the Wanderer.
  • An unstoppable foe!
  • Wulfrik!
  • Fool! (enemy select)
  • What trickery is this? (enemy select)
Campaign movement
  • Done and done.
  • Right away.
  • I'll handle it.
  • Ahead!
  • I'll see to it.
  • Embarking!
  • Wandering.
  • Okay!
  • Heading out.
  • No problem.
  • To our headway!
  • Give me a sec.
Campaign attack
  • Finally, a fight!
  • They can't hide.
  • Seeking, destroying!
  • Unchallenged!
  • More scum!
  • As good as dead.

  • Wulfrik the Wanderer!
  • Prepared to ruin!
  • Fear my taunts!
  • The inescapable one!
  • Waste no time!
  • Killer of Champions.
  • Out to slaughter.
  • Hunter of Men!
  • Lambs to slaughter!
  • Skulls for my armour!

  • Onward!
  • Consider it done!
  • Going!
  • Pick up the pace!
  • Moving!
  • Nothing in my way!

  • Taste my blade!
  • Cut them down!
  • Annihilation!
  • Kill!
  • I hear you!

  • The chieftains want pillaging and plunder, but I just want to kill you!
  • Your demeanor tells me you aren't here to duel. Too bad ... (positive)
  • I'd usually negotiate with my sword, but today you are lucky. (positive)
  • Let's talk terms, but with my disagreements there shall be a challenge! (positive)
  • Tread carefully, southerner -- if I utter a challenge, then you die. (negative, Empire)
  • Think yourselves great men, Sigmarite? I've taken heads of greater ones than you! (negative, Empire)
  • Peasant, general, emperor -- I don't care. I'd enjoy murdering any sorry southerner! (negative, Empire)
  • Your pitiful generals lead weaklings who hide behind Wizards and gunpowder! (negative, Empire)
  • I like taking Empire-men's skulls as trophies for my armour -- nice and thick! (negative, Empire)
  • I've no interest fighting a Dwarf -- it would be no contest. (positive, Dwarfs)
  • I've taken glory and gold from you Dawi before -- which do you offer? (positive, Dwarfs)
  • It seems some of you whelps have more courage than your ugly maids! (positive, Dwarfs)
  • There are great warriors amongst you stunties, but you don't look like one. (positive, Dwarfs)
  • Say interesting things, stunty, or I'll make you even shorter by decapitation! (positive, Dwarfs)
  • Finally, I can adorn my armour with another dense Dwarf skull! (negative, Dwarfs)
  • You seek combat, Bretonnian? Worthy duellists, yes, but still a joy to kill! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • Your festooned horses and your multicolored petticoats don't fool me! All southerners bleed! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • You'll soon be choking in your own blood, southerner! (negative, Bretonnia)
  • Are you here to negotiate? Or to be speared like a pig? (negative, Bretonnia)
  • Your [pompous] dukes and their subjects are no better than their pathetic peasant-servants! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • Is decapitation considered a chivalrous death in your foolish nation, Bretonnian? (positive, Bretonnia)
  • Don't anger me! When I'm angry I make challenges! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • Choose your words carefully! Or I shall choose my blade. (positive, Bretonnia)
  • I travel the world seeking duels -- today, you bring one to me! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • You dare seek my audience? The Dark Ones have surely fated this kill! (negative, Bretonnia)
  • I have little time for talking, but much time for killing! (negative, Bretonnia)
  • A negotiation? How about this -- I let you talk, then we duel. (negative, Bretonnia)
  • Welcome, green despoiler. An "honour" to be in the presence of your stench! (positive, Greenskins)
  • You come to talk, or fight? I hear Greenskins enjoy fighting, so shall we fight? (positive, Greenskins)
  • Lucky for you, I understand your guttural ramblings, or you'll already be dead. (negative, Greenskins)
  • What do you want? You're a long way from the Badlands, Greenskin. (positive, Greenskins)
  • Let me put you out of your misery, you pitiful beast! (negative, Greenskins)
  • Leave the green monster to me, this kill is my right! (negative, Greenskins)
  • Speak, Vampire, but you'll find no blood to drink here. (positive, Vampire Counts)
  • What do you want, pale-face? If it's my blood, come and take it! (positive, Vampire Counts)
  • Giants and daemons have fallen before me! A Vampire's no challenge! (positive, Vampire Counts)
  • I don't fear the Undead! [And I'd not hesitate making you fully dead!] (positive, Vampire Counts)
  • You soulless dogs, satisfying to kill like all the other southern runts! (negative, Vampire Counts)
  • Let me show you that the Undead can still [suffer and] die! (negative, Vampire Counts)
  • Talk is cheap! Let's board Seafang, [and] find some southerners and fight! (positive, Warriors of Chaos)
  • The masters have surely fated this meeting! What brings you here, [Chaos] counterpart? (positive, Warriors of Chaos)
  • I may be a puppet like you, but no less likely to kill you. (positive, Warriors of Chaos)
  • Many [Chaos] Champions thought themselves superior -- their skulls decorate my armour! (positive, Warriors of Chaos)
  • Your corpse will be a worthy offering for the Gods, warhost! (negative, Warriors of Chaos)
  • The masters obviously want to see me kill you, pretender. (negative, Warriors of Chaos)
  • Dark forests might be your blood-ground, but the whole world is my blood-ground! (negative, Beastmen)
  • This must be important - you are far from your glades. (positive, Wood Elves)
  • You must be cold in these climes. Or do you shiver from fear? (negative, Wood Elves)
  • Blood for the Blood God! (negative, declaring war, unvoiced)

Norsca war cries:

The player can hear these war cries after ending a turn.
  • "EE! DOR! DRARGH!"
When you begin a battle or declare war.

When you win a battle

Monday 22 June 2020

Wayang Kulit characters in Malaysia

These are characters that appear in the Wayang Kulit puppet plays of Malaysia, especially the story that was based on the Ramayana legend. This is based on the Kelantan version.

  • Seri Rama - Rama, a great archer. The ruler of Selturah Tanah Jawa.
  • Latsamana, Laksamana - Lakshamana, Rama's brother and advisor.
  • Siti Dewi - Sita, Rama's wife. She was the adopted daughter to Maharaja Kala Api from Watt 7 Kedi Bremas.
  • Hanuman Kera Putih - Hanuman, a monkey warrior. The eldest son of Seri Rama. When Laksamana had a pain in his ears, Hanuman pulled out a hill between the hills of Gunung Pulau Lega Pisang to retrieve the Buah Pisang Emas Tunggal, Pelepah Tujuh, Berwarna Emas (the single golden banana of seven fronds) to cure Laksamana's pain.
  • Anggada - Angada, a monkey who helped Rama find Sita. He governed the monkey kingdom of Guwakiskenda under Sugriva's behalf.
  • Anila - Nila, a blue monkey who built a bridge to Lanka. He led an army of monkeys to fight Ravana. He is the son of the fire god Agni.
  • Surgirwa - Sugriva, king of the monkeys. He was the son of the solar god Surya.
  • Babu Senam - Rama's astrologer
  • Ladjuna, Lat Juna, Lakjuna - Seri Rama's second son. He looks more like his father as a prince.
  • Babu Kenong, Mahababu Kenong - an asura (titan or monster), one of Ravana's advisors. He is also Maharaja Rawana's brother, being the second son of Pachal Baha. He was killed after his brother was killed in battle.
  • Maharaja Rawana - Ravana the asura, the titan king of the floating island of Lankapuri. He fought against Seri Rama, but was killed.
  • Ratu Pari - Maharaja Rawana's wife from Gua Maha Liku.
  • Mandu Daki - Mandodari, Maharaja Rawana's second wife.
  • Puteri Seludang Maya - Maharaja Rawana's third wife, from the upper world.
  • Tuan Puteri Mata Api - Maharaja Rawana's daughter with Ratu Pari. She was beautiful but very evil.
  • Maha Indrajet - Maharaja Rawana's son with Puteri Seludang Maya. He descended from heaven to fight Seri Rama, but was killed.
  • Pedang Gana and Tagar Gana - Maharaja Rawana's twin sons with Mandu Daki.

  • Pak Dogol - a wise cleric who served Siti Dewi and became Seri Rama's advisor.
  • Wak Long - Pak Dogol's friend who is cheeky but wise.
  • Lang Lobet and Lang Lobet - sons of the monkey king Raja Saburanom. They are intelligent and skilled in magic. They were defeated by Hanuman, and they afterwards served Seri Rama.
  • Raja Tilam, Raja Lilam - the second monkey king who ruled over Gunung Pulau Lega Pisang. As he was not as strict as his brother Saburanom, Saburanom ruled his people instead of him.
  • Saburanom - one of two monkey kings who ruled over Gunung Pulau Lega Pisang, a land overlooking the sea of Seberang Tasik Benua Langkapuri. He is also Raja Tilam's younger brother. After Hanuman pulled out a mountain to retrieve the Buah Pisang Emas Tunggal, Pelepah Tujuh, Berwarna Emas, he decided to serve Seri Rama.
  • Lat Pelambang - a red warrior with a golden crown.

Source: Fusion Wayang Kulit

Wednesday 13 May 2020

Kings of Shanshan

This is a list of known rulers of the kingdom of Shanshan, located at present-day Xinjiang, China, according to Chinese sources:

  • Changgui/Anhui - 嘗歸/安歸 - 92-77 BCE
  • Weituqi - 尉屠耆 - 77 BCE
  • An - 安 - 40 BCE
  • Guang - 廣 - 75 CE
  • You Huan - 尤還 - 123 CE
  • Yuan Meng - 元孟 - 330 CE
  • Xiumito - 休密馱 - 383 CE
  • Bilong - 比龍 - 441 CE
  • Zhenda - 真達 - 441-445 CE
The Kharosthi texts also list additional kings:

  • Tomgraka
  • Tajaka
  • Pepiya
  • Amgvaka
  • Mahiri
  • Vasmana (=Yuan Meng?)

Siammanusati lyrics and English translation



๏ หากสยามยังอยู่ยั้ง ยืนยง
เราก็เหมือนอยู่คง ชีพด้วย
หากสยามพินาศลง ไทยอยู่ ได้ฤๅ
เราก็เหมือนมอดม้วย หมดสิ้นสกุลไทยฯ

๏ ใครรานใครรุกด้าว แดนไทย
ไทยรบจนสุดใจ ขาดดิ้น
เสียเนื้อเลือดหลั่งไหล ยอมสละ สิ้นแล
เสียชีพไป่เสียสิ้น ชื่อก้องเกียรติงามฯ


Haak Sayaam yang 'yuu, yang yuueng yong
Rao ka hmuean 'yuu khawng, chiip tuay
Haak Sayaam phi naat lawng, Thai 'yuu, tai ruue
Rao ka hmuean nam awt muay hmat, sin sakun Thai.

Khrai raan khrai ruk, tao taen Thai
Thai rap jon sut jai, khaat tin
Sia nuea luea hlang hlai, yawn sa la, sin lae
Sia chip pai sia sin chue, kawng kian ting ngaam.


If Siam still lives,
We also live.
But if Siam dies,
We die together as a family.

Against whoever who attacks Thailand,
The Thai people will fight to the last.
For every drop of blood shed for Thailand
It is done in beauty and honour.