Friday 18 September 2020

Wulfrik quotes and dialogue

Campaign selection

  • My challenge? Undeniable.
  • Wulfrik the Wanderer.
  • Undefeated!
  • The correct path.
  • On the move!
  • To the four corners!
  • Where's my next (move)?
  • Seafang's ready!
  • A challenge?!
  • Champions fall!
  • Yes?
  • I'm listening.
  • Fear me!
  • Let's fight.
  • Beset.
  • No escape.
  • World-Walker.
  • Kill.
  • I. Am the Wanderer.
  • An unstoppable foe!
  • Wulfrik!
  • Fool! (enemy select)
  • What trickery is this? (enemy select)
Campaign movement
  • Done and done.
  • Right away.
  • I'll handle it.
  • Ahead!
  • I'll see to it.
  • Embarking!
  • Wandering.
  • Okay!
  • Heading out.
  • No problem.
  • To our headway!
  • Give me a sec.
Campaign attack
  • Finally, a fight!
  • They can't hide.
  • Seeking, destroying!
  • Unchallenged!
  • More scum!
  • As good as dead.

  • Wulfrik the Wanderer!
  • Prepared to ruin!
  • Fear my taunts!
  • The inescapable one!
  • Waste no time!
  • Killer of Champions.
  • Out to slaughter.
  • Hunter of Men!
  • Lambs to slaughter!
  • Skulls for my armour!

  • Onward!
  • Consider it done!
  • Going!
  • Pick up the pace!
  • Moving!
  • Nothing in my way!

  • Taste my blade!
  • Cut them down!
  • Annihilation!
  • Kill!
  • I hear you!

  • The chieftains want pillaging and plunder, but I just want to kill you!
  • Your demeanor tells me you aren't here to duel. Too bad ... (positive)
  • I'd usually negotiate with my sword, but today you are lucky. (positive)
  • Let's talk terms, but with my disagreements there shall be a challenge! (positive)
  • Tread carefully, southerner -- if I utter a challenge, then you die. (negative, Empire)
  • Think yourselves great men, Sigmarite? I've taken heads of greater ones than you! (negative, Empire)
  • Peasant, general, emperor -- I don't care. I'd enjoy murdering any sorry southerner! (negative, Empire)
  • Your pitiful generals lead weaklings who hide behind Wizards and gunpowder! (negative, Empire)
  • I like taking Empire-men's skulls as trophies for my armour -- nice and thick! (negative, Empire)
  • I've no interest fighting a Dwarf -- it would be no contest. (positive, Dwarfs)
  • I've taken glory and gold from you Dawi before -- which do you offer? (positive, Dwarfs)
  • It seems some of you whelps have more courage than your ugly maids! (positive, Dwarfs)
  • There are great warriors amongst you stunties, but you don't look like one. (positive, Dwarfs)
  • Say interesting things, stunty, or I'll make you even shorter by decapitation! (positive, Dwarfs)
  • Finally, I can adorn my armour with another dense Dwarf skull! (negative, Dwarfs)
  • You seek combat, Bretonnian? Worthy duellists, yes, but still a joy to kill! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • Your festooned horses and your multicolored petticoats don't fool me! All southerners bleed! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • You'll soon be choking in your own blood, southerner! (negative, Bretonnia)
  • Are you here to negotiate? Or to be speared like a pig? (negative, Bretonnia)
  • Your [pompous] dukes and their subjects are no better than their pathetic peasant-servants! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • Is decapitation considered a chivalrous death in your foolish nation, Bretonnian? (positive, Bretonnia)
  • Don't anger me! When I'm angry I make challenges! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • Choose your words carefully! Or I shall choose my blade. (positive, Bretonnia)
  • I travel the world seeking duels -- today, you bring one to me! (positive, Bretonnia)
  • You dare seek my audience? The Dark Ones have surely fated this kill! (negative, Bretonnia)
  • I have little time for talking, but much time for killing! (negative, Bretonnia)
  • A negotiation? How about this -- I let you talk, then we duel. (negative, Bretonnia)
  • Welcome, green despoiler. An "honour" to be in the presence of your stench! (positive, Greenskins)
  • You come to talk, or fight? I hear Greenskins enjoy fighting, so shall we fight? (positive, Greenskins)
  • Lucky for you, I understand your guttural ramblings, or you'll already be dead. (negative, Greenskins)
  • What do you want? You're a long way from the Badlands, Greenskin. (positive, Greenskins)
  • Let me put you out of your misery, you pitiful beast! (negative, Greenskins)
  • Leave the green monster to me, this kill is my right! (negative, Greenskins)
  • Speak, Vampire, but you'll find no blood to drink here. (positive, Vampire Counts)
  • What do you want, pale-face? If it's my blood, come and take it! (positive, Vampire Counts)
  • Giants and daemons have fallen before me! A Vampire's no challenge! (positive, Vampire Counts)
  • I don't fear the Undead! [And I'd not hesitate making you fully dead!] (positive, Vampire Counts)
  • You soulless dogs, satisfying to kill like all the other southern runts! (negative, Vampire Counts)
  • Let me show you that the Undead can still [suffer and] die! (negative, Vampire Counts)
  • Talk is cheap! Let's board Seafang, [and] find some southerners and fight! (positive, Warriors of Chaos)
  • The masters have surely fated this meeting! What brings you here, [Chaos] counterpart? (positive, Warriors of Chaos)
  • I may be a puppet like you, but no less likely to kill you. (positive, Warriors of Chaos)
  • Many [Chaos] Champions thought themselves superior -- their skulls decorate my armour! (positive, Warriors of Chaos)
  • Your corpse will be a worthy offering for the Gods, warhost! (negative, Warriors of Chaos)
  • The masters obviously want to see me kill you, pretender. (negative, Warriors of Chaos)
  • Dark forests might be your blood-ground, but the whole world is my blood-ground! (negative, Beastmen)
  • This must be important - you are far from your glades. (positive, Wood Elves)
  • You must be cold in these climes. Or do you shiver from fear? (negative, Wood Elves)
  • Blood for the Blood God! (negative, declaring war, unvoiced)

Norsca war cries:

The player can hear these war cries after ending a turn.
  • "EE! DOR! DRARGH!"
When you begin a battle or declare war.

When you win a battle

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