Monday 8 May 2017

Russian vulgar slang (part 1 - Warning: NSFW topics)

(Many of these words can be very inappropriate in most settings, or just too offensive to be used. Be careful!)

пиздец - pizdets
- that fucking much, hell of a lot of X; in deep shit
(from пиздеть - to lie, to whine; from пизда - the female organ, arse) and (-ец, -er, -ian) [peez-DYEH-tyee], [peez-DAH], [ehts]

пиздоту - pizdotu

- bullshit, nonsense 
(from пиздеть - to lie, to whine; from пизда - the female organ, arse)

пиздаболпиздобол - pizdabol, pizdobol

- liar
(from пиздеть - to lie, to whine; from пизда - the female organ, arse)

говно, гавно (alt.) - govno, gavno (alt.)

- shit, excrement

быдло-говнецо - bydlo-govnetso

- (lame) bullshit
(from быдло - cattle; and говно - shit, excrement) [bahd-loh], [gahv-nah]


хуй - khui
- male organ

хуесос - khuesos

- one who sucks the male organ; a fool; a contemptible person
(from хуй - male organ; and сосать - to suck) [khooy] [sah-SAH-ty]

хули - khuli

- why the fuck; so what, of course (to a useless question)
(from хуй - male organ; and ли - whether) [khooy] [lee]

ни хуя - ni khuja

[nee KHOO-yah]
- not a fucking deal
(from ни - not one; and хуйня - nonsense (vulgar)) [nee] [khooy-NYAH]

хуйня - khuinja

- (fucking) nonsense

хуйло - khuilo

- one who sucks the male organ; a fool; a contemptible person

иди ты на хуй - idi ty na khui

[ee-DEE tuh NAH khooy]
- fuck off, go to hell


ебать - jebat'
- to have sexual intercourse, to fuck; to be a nuisance

заебать - zajebat'
- to be a nuisance

ёб твою мать - job tvoju mat'
[yohp tvah-YOO mahty]
- go to hell, what the hell

уёбок - ujobok (plural: уёбки - ujobki)
[oo-YOH-bahk], [oo-YOHB-kee]
- a nuisance, a troublemaker
(from ебать - to have sexual intercourse; and -ок - little)


блядьблять - bljad', bljat'
- a prostitute, to whine, damn

сука - suka
- a prostitute, a troublemaker

сука блядь - suka bljad'
- damn, go to hell

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