Thursday 10 December 2020

Languages that only have R

 This is a list of languages in the world that only use "r" instead of "l":


  • Japanese
  • Ryukyuan
  • Ainu
  • Maori
  • Cook Islands Maori
  • Moriori
  • Tahitian
  • Marquesan
  • Mangarevan
  • Austral
  • Rapa Oparo
  • Tuamotuan
  • Rapanui
  • Rakahanga-Manihiki
  • Mangarongaro/Penrhyn
  • Futuna-Aniwa
Southern Bantu
  • Shona
  • Tswana
  • Venda
Southwest Bantu
  • Herero
Northeast Bantu
  • Kiga
  • Kikuyu
  • Kinyarwanda
  • Rundi
  • Old Persian
  • Tiriyo
  • Akurio
  • Wayana
  • Mawayana
  • Northern Embera
Central Algonquian
  • Atikamekw
Eastern Algonquian
  • Powhatan
  • Quiripi
  • Arikara
  • Pawnee
  • Cayuga
  • Nottoway
  • Southern Paiute

Names of minor Tomb King characters (Total War Warhammer II)

 Names of minor Tomb King characters

High Kings:

You receive these kings if you research them.

  • Wakhaf (First Dynasty)
  • Rakhash (Second Dynasty)
    • Public order: +1 (all provinces)
    • Character's aura leadership effect: +5
    • Leadership aura size: +20%
    • Ward save: +5%
    • Tax rate: +5% (factionwide)
  • Thutep (Third Dynasty)
    • Armor: +5 for Khemrian Warsphinx and Necrosphinx units (Lord's army)
    • +1 capacity for Khemrian Warsphinx
    • Construction time: -35% for all buildings (local province)
    • Armor: +10
    • Additional trade resources produced: +10% (factionwide)
  • Lahmizzash (Fourth Dynasty)
  • Setep (Fifth Dynasty)
  • Alkhazzar II (Sixth Dynasty)


  • Hakoros
  • Rak
  • Yanhakhat
  • Rawer
  • Arandes
  • Djokht
  • Araru
  • Sahut
  • Lahmizzash
  • Setep
  • Djonza
  • Hatmas
  • Pashedu
  • Menkare
  • Andames
  • Petuhyt
  • Thutmocris
  • Aphoh
  • Ratikh
  • Simudes
  • Nebermakhet
  • Khura
  • Neferkare
  • Asharqa
  • Sekhereh
  • Kagetef
  • Hakos
  • Senutamen
  • Rahobi
  • Sachom
  • Sekhtasfih
  • Oyas
  • Pashedu
  • Inenza
  • Rahotep
  • Djedeskhet
  • Menkaus
  • Baufra
  • Khedeskaf
  • Sephkoh
  • Anlashen
  • Intes
  • Kharus
  • Djehuty
  • Foctem
  • Sensenna
  • Prehotaten
  • Addaya
  • Ramekht
  • Eyoshers
  • Isfoph
  • Berekht
  • Ahmose
  • Lysimachus
  • Ptolethor
  • Omhaf
  • Thutmocris
  • Senusret
  • Djenna
  • Petuhyt
  • Emkhatam
  • Hatip
  • Inathor
  • Agatep
  • Sensenna
Tomb Princes:
  • Intenebu
  • Intes
  • Nekhaf
  • Nemtoph
  • Omhaf
  • Senufret
  • Djonza
  • Sekhtasfih
  • Hakor
  • Salekh
  • Sephkoh
  • Nebemakhet
  • Nebuset
  • Khabash
  • Aphoh
  • Khura
  • Djedeskhet
  • Nebemakhet
  • Ramerenef
  • Prehoaten

  • Intenebu
  • Ibiamose
  • Hatmas
  • Rahoshen
  • Neferkare
  • Berekht
  • Eyoshers
Liche Priests:
  • Khadesh
  • Senufret
  • Oyas
  • Intes
  • Hatmas
  • Intef
  • Hatip
  • Sehekhet
  • Pashedu
  • Khura
  • Hatmas
  • Rahobi
  • Senufret
  • Ibiamose
  • Prehoaten
  • Sahut
  • Ptolethor
  • Nectanebo
  • Berekht
  • Menkaus
  • Ramerenef
  • Djonza
  • Fehom
  • Neferkare
  • Yanhanza
  • Arandes
  • Khat
  • Yanhakhat
  • Arandes
  • Thutmocris
  • Psamtik
  • Meshep
  • Gracef Caolshen