Friday 27 November 2020

Settra quotes and dialogue


  • Settra the Imperishable.
  • I am undefeatable.
  • King of Khemri.
  • Bring me the bones!
  • I control the sands.
  • King of Kings!
  • Great King!
  • Settra rules!
  • Mightiest of Kings!
  • Bow to me!
  • All is sand.
  • Nehekhara is mine!
  • Undead king!
  • Bow before your king!
  • Imperishable.
  • I rule everything.
  • Bring my chariot!
  • Animals!
  • This is well.

Campaign Selection

  • Settra the Imperishable.
  • Defeat is impossible.
  • I rule everything.
  • King of Kings.
  • Serve.
  • Greatest.
  • Settra does not serve.
  • Eternal king.
  • Fragile.
  • Slaves.
  • Do not disturb!
  • Who dares?
  • Mighty am I.
  • Nehekhara wakes.
  • Nehekhara's first.
  • You will bow, or perish.
  • My city.
  • Loyal, as all should be.
  • He is able.
  • I care not.
  • This one, will have to do.
  • He means nothing.
  • A good servant.
  • He will serve.
  • The Liche Priests have me wary.
  • He does not impress me.
  • Served me in life, now death.
  • Settra is dessicated.
  • What of the heat?
  • Parched, desert heat.
  • Is it hot?
  • Only slaves worry about the heat.
  • Green is death.
  • This oasis is vile.
  • This will be desert soon.
  • What can trees offer Settra?
  • The forest holds more interest for Settra.
  • The poison sea.
  • Settra rules land and sea.
  • Horrid salt water!
  • I care not for sea.
  • Unleash the death fleets.
  • Not as tall as my pyramid.
  • Sand and stone.
  • Stone for my pyramid.
  • The mountains bow to Settra.
  • This stone makes good statuary.
  • The frozen lands ... all mine.
  • Snow is irrelevant.
  • Is it cold?
  • Cold as my heart.
  • Settra hates snowflakes!
  • Why would I care if it's cold.
  • Settra is bored of snow.
  • What is snow?
  • Snow day!
  • The climate is irrelevant.

Campaign Movement

  • Settra surfs.
  • All is mine.
  • Bow! Your king may touch!
  • Agreed.
  • All is mine.
  • Make way for Settra!
  • Do not stop!
  • Prepare to march.
  • We rest.
  • Stand sentinel.
  • Voyage!
  • Surfs!
  • Disembark.
  • Settra arrives.

Campaign Attack

  • Slaves for Settra!
  • For Nehekhara!
  • They shall perish!
  • Wipe them out!
  • My wrath!
  • Glory for Khemri!
  • Perish!
  • Attack!
  • Destroy them!
  • Settra comes!
  • Wipe them out!
  • Settra rules!
  • Entomb them!
  • Entomb them all!
  • King of battle!
  • Settra hates!
  • Settra has no use for living slaves!
  • We withdraw!
  • Return to Khemri!
  • Defeat is impossible.
  • Settra is close.


  • Yes!
  • My way!
  • Settra agrees!
  • Forward!
  • As it should.
  • Legions, forward!
  • We march.
  • Very well.

Attack Move

  • Strike!
  • Do as I say!
  • Yes!
  • Kill!
  • Good!
  • Bow to me!
  • My orders!
  • My orders enacted!
  • Curse them.
  • Obey me!
  • Animals!
  • Attack the living!
  • Break them!
  • Ptra decrees!
  • Settra destroys.

Post-battle options

  • Greatest of Kings! Victory!
  • Settra is victorious!
  • There was never any doubt.
  • I do not lose.
  • Settra always wins!
  • Settra is merciful.
  • Sacrifice them!
  • Entomb them all!
  • Execute them!
  • Punish them!
  • This is Settra's.
  • It is mine now.
  • Sack it for Settra.
  • Bow before your king and master.
  • Nehekhara is mine!
  • Even the gods bow to me.
  • At last, more power.
  • Nehekhara expands.


  • Even Ptra gave me his sword. What will you offer, thrall?
  • Do not invoke the gods before Settra - they bow to me!
  • Keep your head bowed - do not look upon my bandaged majesty!
  • Take in my majesty and quail, creature. Settra speaks.
  • What tribute do you offer the Great King of Nehekhara? (positive)
  • Kneel before Settra. Only then may you petition me. (positive)
  • You have the attention of the Imperishable, do not squander it.
  • What I have to say is of utmost importance, you would be wise to heed my every word.
  • You invite the ire of the Great King - unwise and fatal for you. (negative)
  • Your petition has reached the Great King and is found wanting... (negative)
  • You speak with Settra, King of Kings, know that you are not worthy. (positive, Tomb Kings)
  • Perhaps an alliance? Although you WILL address me as sire. (positive, Tomb Kings)
  • Think your arrogance will match mine, Elf? Ha! I am Settra! (positive, High Elves)
  • You will bow before me, Elf! I am your better! I am king! (positive, High Elves)
  • Approach, Druchii, yes, but I know your Elathrin name -- Settra knows all! (positive, Dark Elves)
  • Impress me with your cruelty, Dark Elf. I dare you. (positive, Dark Elves)
  • Your magic is why I have this unpalatable form, do not anger me further! (negative, Dark Elves)
  • Your petty tortures are nothing to my whims, Dark Elf. Do not test Settra! (negative, Dark Elves)
  • What brings you from your moist jungle to these dry sands? (positive, Lizardmen)
  • Must I deal with this creature? Where is your handler? (positive, Lizardmen)
  • What does it say? Order it to speak in our royal language! (negative, Lizardmen)
  • I see no "wise" ancient here. Just a feeble reptile, that dares address mighty Settra! (negative, Lizardmen)
  • You race may have created this world, but *I* rule it! (negative, Lizardmen)
  • I have no time for primitive creatures. It is easier to just annihilate them. (negative, Lizardmen)
  • Skaven. I have use for vermin, you may deign to be at my majesty. (positive, Skaven)
  • There is no place for vermin in my kingdoms. (negative, Skaven)
  • My will. (positive response)
  • Yes. (positive response)
  • Very well! (positive response)
  • I am done! (negative response)
  • No! Never! (negative response)
  • No! (negative response)
  • Never. (negative response)
  • Fool! (negative response)
  • I am done! (negative response)
  • You are as implacable as the desert sun, I accept your offer. (positive, unvoiced)
  • Your offer was courteous and well-made. I accept. (positive, unvoiced)
  • Wisdom is found beyond the boundaries of Nehekhara - this is most pleasing. (positive, unvoiced)
  • This offer is acceptable, Lizardmen. (positive, Lizardmen, unvoiced)
  • The many wonders of Nehekhara are a sight to behold. Today, though, I offer you this gift. (positive, unvoiced, demand pay)
  • All the proper rites have been observed, but I cannot accept your offer. (negative, unvoiced)
  • Master-diplomat though you are, Elf, I cannot agree to those terms (negative, High Elves, unvoiced)
  • Devotion to one's gods is an admirable trait, but it does not compel me to accept this offer. (negative, unvoiced, demand pay)