Monday 22 June 2020

Wayang Kulit characters in Malaysia

These are characters that appear in the Wayang Kulit puppet plays of Malaysia, especially the story that was based on the Ramayana legend. This is based on the Kelantan version.

  • Seri Rama - Rama, a great archer. The ruler of Selturah Tanah Jawa.
  • Latsamana, Laksamana - Lakshamana, Rama's brother and advisor.
  • Siti Dewi - Sita, Rama's wife. She was the adopted daughter to Maharaja Kala Api from Watt 7 Kedi Bremas.
  • Hanuman Kera Putih - Hanuman, a monkey warrior. The eldest son of Seri Rama. When Laksamana had a pain in his ears, Hanuman pulled out a hill between the hills of Gunung Pulau Lega Pisang to retrieve the Buah Pisang Emas Tunggal, Pelepah Tujuh, Berwarna Emas (the single golden banana of seven fronds) to cure Laksamana's pain.
  • Anggada - Angada, a monkey who helped Rama find Sita. He governed the monkey kingdom of Guwakiskenda under Sugriva's behalf.
  • Anila - Nila, a blue monkey who built a bridge to Lanka. He led an army of monkeys to fight Ravana. He is the son of the fire god Agni.
  • Surgirwa - Sugriva, king of the monkeys. He was the son of the solar god Surya.
  • Babu Senam - Rama's astrologer
  • Ladjuna, Lat Juna, Lakjuna - Seri Rama's second son. He looks more like his father as a prince.
  • Babu Kenong, Mahababu Kenong - an asura (titan or monster), one of Ravana's advisors. He is also Maharaja Rawana's brother, being the second son of Pachal Baha. He was killed after his brother was killed in battle.
  • Maharaja Rawana - Ravana the asura, the titan king of the floating island of Lankapuri. He fought against Seri Rama, but was killed.
  • Ratu Pari - Maharaja Rawana's wife from Gua Maha Liku.
  • Mandu Daki - Mandodari, Maharaja Rawana's second wife.
  • Puteri Seludang Maya - Maharaja Rawana's third wife, from the upper world.
  • Tuan Puteri Mata Api - Maharaja Rawana's daughter with Ratu Pari. She was beautiful but very evil.
  • Maha Indrajet - Maharaja Rawana's son with Puteri Seludang Maya. He descended from heaven to fight Seri Rama, but was killed.
  • Pedang Gana and Tagar Gana - Maharaja Rawana's twin sons with Mandu Daki.

  • Pak Dogol - a wise cleric who served Siti Dewi and became Seri Rama's advisor.
  • Wak Long - Pak Dogol's friend who is cheeky but wise.
  • Lang Lobet and Lang Lobet - sons of the monkey king Raja Saburanom. They are intelligent and skilled in magic. They were defeated by Hanuman, and they afterwards served Seri Rama.
  • Raja Tilam, Raja Lilam - the second monkey king who ruled over Gunung Pulau Lega Pisang. As he was not as strict as his brother Saburanom, Saburanom ruled his people instead of him.
  • Saburanom - one of two monkey kings who ruled over Gunung Pulau Lega Pisang, a land overlooking the sea of Seberang Tasik Benua Langkapuri. He is also Raja Tilam's younger brother. After Hanuman pulled out a mountain to retrieve the Buah Pisang Emas Tunggal, Pelepah Tujuh, Berwarna Emas, he decided to serve Seri Rama.
  • Lat Pelambang - a red warrior with a golden crown.

Source: Fusion Wayang Kulit