Tuesday 15 March 2016

Lilliputian language: terms, phrases, names, and words and their approximate translations

(?) - approximate, guessed

Lilliput - (name of a country, enemy of Blefescu) : Part 1, Chapter 1 (1,1)
Tolgo phonac - Fire the arrows (?) : 1,1
Hekinah degul - Amazing (?) : 1,1
Langro dehul san - Tie him up (?) : 1,1
Borach mevolah - Keep away! (?) : 1,1
Hurgo -  Great Lord : 1,1
Peplom selan - tend to him (?) : 1,1
Lumos kelmin pesso desmar lon Emposo - [You are to] swear peace between yourself and the Emperor of Lilliput, and towards his Empire : 1,2 ; 1,7
Imprimis - Greetings / Salutations : 1,2
Quinbus Blestrin, Quinbus Flestrin - Great Man-Mountain : 1,2
Ranfulo - breeches : 1,2
Clefrin Frelock - (name of an official) : 1,2
Marsi Frelock - (name of an official) : 1,2
Flimnap - (name of a treasurer) : 1,3
Reldresal - (name of a principal secretary for private affairs) : 1,3
Skyresh Bolgolam - (high admiral) : 1,3
Galbet - admiral of the realm : 1,3
Golbasto Momaren Evlame Gurdilo Shefin Mully Ully Gue - (name of the contemporary Emperor of Lilliput) : 1,3
blustrug - (a unit of length; 5,000 blustrugs, the size of Lilliput, is 12 miles in circumference, corresponding to 19 kilometres) : 1,3
Belfaborac - (a royal palace in Lilliput) : 1,3
Mildendo - (the capital of Lilliput) : 1:4
drurr - (1/14 of an inch, or around 1.8 millimetres) : 1,4
Tramecksan - high heels : 1,4
Blefuscu - (name of a county, enemy of Lilliput) : 1,4
Lustrog - (name of a prophet) : 1,4
Blundecral - (sacred book of the Lustrogist Lilliputians) : 1,4
glumgluff - (6 feet, or 1.8 metres) : 1,5
nardac - (a high rank in the Lilliputian Empire's government) : 1,5
glumglum - (a rank lower than a nardac) : 1,6
Limtoc - (name of a general) : 1,7
Lalcon - (name of a chamberlain) : 1,7
Balmuff - (name of a grand judiciary official) : 1,7

Lilliputian appears to be influenced by Jonathan Swift's native English, Latin, and possibly Hebrew (as in "Tolgo phonac", "Hekinah degul", and "Borach mevolah").